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Title: Meaningless Talk
Date: April 11, 2021
Synopsis: We're glad you could join us for service today! Welcome to Conoy BIC Church Online. We're begining a new series today call "Foundations" and we're going to be studying 1 & 2 Timothy and today, we'll begin with Chapter 1. We're going to talk about false teaching (why is that a problem?), the circle of love (a simple way to daily guide our spiritual walk) and who Jesus was/is focused on (hint ... I've not come for the healthy but the _____. But let's not get too ahead of ourselves.... We've all ______ and fallen short of the glory of God).

Title: Instructions On Worship
Date: April 18, 2021
Synopsis: We're glad you could join us for service today! Welcome to Conoy BIC Church Online.This morning we continue in our series "Foundations" by tackling 1 Timothy 2. This is the most used passage buy the modern church to deny women in leadership positions - yet, the Brethern in Christ Denomination affirms women in leadership. How do we get there? Stay tuned!

Title: Overseers and Deacons
Date: April 25, 2021
Synopsis:We're going to be studying 1 & 2 Timothy and today we're focusing on 1 Timothy 3 - Qualifications for Leadership in the church. Even if you aren't a leader, it’s important that you know what standard Paul is setting for leadership in the Ephesian church.

Title: H.O.P.E. - Help Open People’s Eyes
Date: May 2, 2021
Synopsis: Today we're rolling up our sleeves and digging into 1 Timothy 4. The letters to Timothy were meant for the whole community and were given to instruct the community on how to be a community but they also have incredibly deep things to challenge us as individuals. Chapter 4 is one of these chapters - join us for both a personal and communal challenge.

Title: Like Family
Date: May 9, 2021
Synopsis: Good morning! We're glad you could join us for chapter 5 of 1 Timothy as we continue in our series called “Foundations.” Today we talk a little bit more about church discipline with the old and young and about caring for those in our communities who have less than us. What does 1 Timothy have to say about our use of wealth? Join us to learn more!

Title: Slave
Date: May 16, 2021

Synopsis: Good morning! We're glad you could join us as we continue our series: "Foundations" where we look at Paul's letters to Timothy.

We've broken chapter 6 down into 6 parts:
1. relationships broken by the world rather than united by christ
2. the constant desire for a fight or debate is sickness
3. the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil
4. a long obedience in a single direction
5. Good, good
6. Turn away from that which would guide us incorrectly

Title: Faithful to the End
Date: May 23, 2021

Synopsis: Good morning! We're glad you could join us this morning! We're headed into 2nd Timothy for our teaching time and we're going to talk about being beloved, burnout and one of the most beautiful gospel expressions found in scripture! Plus, our friends from the Bible Project will give us a great overview on 2nd Timothy.

Title: Unchained
Date: May 30, 2021

Synopsis: This morning we're diving into 2 Timothy 2. Paul has some important words for us to hear about evangelism. Often, the best evangelism we can do is loving our neighbor as ourselves. Paul also tells us that God's word is unchained! Hallelujah! What and encouraging word. Finally, we're going to take a good look at something that eats away at the body of Christ.

Title: God Breathed
Date: June 6, 2021

Synopsis: This morning we're diving into 2 Timothy 3. It isn't the longest chapter that we've had in these letters but it does pack a bit of a punch for us. We're going to talk a bit about idolatry, we'll have a pop trivia quiz (Do you know who Jannes and Jambres are?), the Greek word for endurance and lastly we'll chat about scripture being inspired. It'll be a great morning - especially because of our fantastic worship team and because we'll be praying for our graduating seniors. Congrats!

Title: Finish the Race
Date: June 13, 2021

Synopsis: This morning we're finishing up our series: Foundations. Over the last ten weeks we have done an in-depth look into the letters that Paul wrote to Timothy and today we'll finish with 2 Timothy 4. Scott Boyer brings us God's word today - keep him in prayer as he walks us through this chapter. Today, we'll also meet our other summer intern - Jeff. Jeff will be doing a Pastor of Care internship with us by helping us with our prayer chain, starting another small group Bible Study, checking in on congregation members and more. Don't be surprised if your phone rings this summer and its him! Welcome, Jeff!

Title: Rediscovering Sacred
Speaker: Pastor Ericka Henry
Date: June 20, 2021

Synopsis: Today, we have a special treat! Pastor Ericka Henry joins us from The Holy District (a church plant) in Allentown. You may remember that our church voted to financially support The Holy District in 2021. Out of our abundance we bless others. We believe that as individuals and as a community! Ericka joins us to share about what is happening in Allentown and how God has been working in their incredible effort!