Title: Power on Palm
Date: April 5, 2020
Synopsis: In this new series Pastor Nick engages the ideas and problems of power and privilege. We take a page out of Scot McKnight’s book Reading Romans Backwards and we start with Romans 12-14 which gives us a framework to look at the entire book of Romans through the filter of power and privilege. In particular we talk about gender privilege, criminal justice, drinking and more.
Title: Jesus Passed the Mic
Date: April 12, 2020
Synopsis: We continue to allow Scot McKnight’s book Reading Romans Backwards to help us engage with the idea of power and privilege. In particular, this Easter week, we look at a passage in Philippians that shows us what Jesus did with his power and privilege - how He uses it “for” rather than “over.”
Title: Becoming the Alternative
Date: April 19, 2020
Synopsis: Pastor Nick finishes our series up by engaging Romans 1, 2, 14, 15 and Matthew 5. He challenges us to welcome each other to the table of fellowship as siblings regardless of theological disagreements even if that means doing the hard work of expanding our table.