Speaker: Pastor Nick Ressler
Title: New Covenant; Together or Not
Date: June 7, 2020
Synopsis: Pastor Nick takes us through the various Old Testament covenants that lead us to Jesus ushering in the new covenant. And while we all desperately want to meet in person again, we are not given a pass on being the church, under the new covenant, even though we are physically distanced. How can you live under a banner of love today?
Speaker: Pastor Nick Ressler & Scott Boyer
Title: Togetherness Q & A
Date: June 14, 2020
Synopsis: Scott Boyer interviews Pastor Nick with some compelling questions about the importance of going to the church as a family, worshipping as a community, not seeing other churches as competition and what to do in a hurting world.
Speaker: Pastor Nick Ressler
Title: Caught Up
Date: June 21, 2020
Synopsis: Do you ever feel like we’re all getting caught up in the wrong stuff? Like, our attention is focused on things that keep us distracted from what is really important? Pastor Nick shares with us about how Ghandi used the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7) to focus is heart and guide him in the work he was doing to help free the people of India. What would help us focus? Pastor Nick directly challenges us to stop letting political allegiances inform our picture of Jesus. Instead - Jesus comes first!
Speaker: Pastoral Intern Thomas Hallman
Title: True Togetherness
Date: June 28, 2020
Synopsis: Our Pastoral Intern Thomas Hallman gives his first sermon with Conoy BIC Church. We’re blessed to have someone as gifted, passionate and young as Thomas to bring us God’s word this morning. Thomas brings a gentle word of caution to help give shape to our soon-to-be in-person gathers.